Pada tanggal 7-8 Januari 2014, digelar acara FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour di Jakarta. Indonesia merupakan salah satu dari total 88 negara dimana trophy asli Piala Dunia berkeliling dunia selama 267 hari dan menempuh jarak 149.000 km. Acara yang disponsori secara resmi oleh Coca-Cola ini digelar di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC).

IGS sebagai distributor NETGEAR, memberikan support selama acara tersebut dengan menyediakan infrastruktur wireless networking. Lebih dari 20 wireless access point berikut Wireless Controller dan POE Switch diinstal di seluruh hall tempat acara berlangsung.
NETGEAR WC7520 merupakan enterprise class Wireless Controller, mendukung L2/L3 Fast Roaming, automatic load balancing, rate limiting dan Captive Portal, WC7520 mampu mengatur sampai dengan 50 access point. Bersama-sama NETGEAR WNDAP360 Wireless Access Point 802.11n Dual Band, menjamin cakupan sinyal WiFi indoor untuk pengguna. NETGEAR FS728TP merupakan L2 Smart Switch dengan 24-port 10/100Base-T PoE, 4-port 10/100/1000BaseT, 2 SFP, Power over Ethernet budget 192 Watts. Di sisi core switch, digunakan NETGEAR GSM7328S L3 Fully Managed Switch untuk fungsi routing dan VLAN.

NETGEAR Supports World Cup Trophy Tour Event
The FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour is being held ahead of the 2014 World Cup. Indonesia is one of 88 countries chosen to host this event, traveling a distance of 149,000 km in 267 days. The event was held at the Jakarta Convention Center, from January 7-8, 2014, organized by multinational beverages company Coca-Cola.
As an authorized distributor of NETGEAR, PT. Integra Global Solusi is supporting the event by providing wireless network infrastructure. Together with Wireless Access Point and POE Switch, more than 20 wireless access point is installed throughout the hall.
NETGEAR’s WC7520 Enterprise Class Wireless Controller features L2/L3 Fast Roaming, automatic load balancing, rate limiting and Captive Portal. A standalone WC7520 can control up to 50 access point. WNDAP360 Dual Band 802.11n Wireless Access Point guarantee the indoor WiFi signal coverage for user. NETGEAR FS728TP L2 Smart Switch features 24-port 10/100BaseT POE, 4-port 10/100/1000BaseT, 2 SFP, Power over Ethernet budget 192 Watts. For core switch, NETGEAR GSM7328S L3 Fully Managed Switch is deployed for routing and VLAN function.